ROTC (Air Force & Army)
ROTC students can take Air Force (AES) and Army (AMS) courses for academic credit toward their Centre College degree. Courses are offered at the University of Kentucky and at Centre. Army (AMS) courses are available for enrolled Junior and Senior students.
Centre students may participate in the reserve officers training programs of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army through the University of Kentucky. Two-year and four-year Air Force ROTC programs are available.
Students receive academic credit toward their Centre degrees for the ROTC courses listed in Centre’s catalog. Winners of three-and four-year Air Force or Army ROTC scholarships receive, in addition to their support from the Air Force or Army, scholarships covering room and board for the period of the ROTC scholarship. Students may be eligible for additional scholarships or financial aid.
All Air Force and Army courses are offered on the University of Kentucky campus. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from UK’s campus.
The Army detachment at the University of Kentucky is not accepting new cadets from Centre at this time.